TOYOTA 4 RUNNER TRUCK, 2.5 SHOX factory high performance offroad racing shocks 2.5 inches lift for TOYOTA 4 RUNNER TRUCK, with remote reservoir
TOYOTA FJ CRUISER,2.5 SHOX factory high quality offroad racing shocks 2.5 inches lift for TOYOTA FJ CRUISER, with remote subtank
TOYOTA HILUX REVO TRUCK, 2.5 SHOX factory high performance offroad racing shocks 2.5 inches lift for TOYOTA HILUX REVO TRUCK, with remote reservoir
TOYOTA HILUX VIGO TRUCK,2.5 SHOX factory high performance offroad overland/racing shocks 2.5 inches lift for TOYOTA HILUX VIGO TRUCK, with remote subtank
TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 80 ,2.25/2.5/3.0 SHOX factory offroad racing shocks 2/4 inches lift for TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 80 , with remote reservoir
TOYOTA LANDCRUISER70 71 73 76, 2.25/2.5 SHOX factory high performance 4×4 racing shocks 2/4 inches lift for TOYOTA LANDCRUISER70 71 73 76, with remote reservoir
TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 100,2.25/2.5/3.0 SHOX factory high performance 4×4 racing shocks 2/2.5 inches lift for TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 100, with remote reservoir
TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 150,2.5/3.0 SHOX factory high performance offroad 4×4 shocks 2.5 inches lift for TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 150, hard and soft adjustable
TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 200, 2.5/3.0 SHOX factory high performance 4×4 racing shocks 2.5 inches lift for TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 200, with remote reservoir
TOYOTA LANDCRUISER PRADO 95, 2.5/3.0 SHOX factory 4×4 racing shocks 2.5 inches lift for TOYOTA LANDCRUISER PRADO 95, hard and soft adjustable, with subtank
TOYOTA TACOMA,2.5/3.0 SHOX factory racing shocks 2.5 inches lift for TOYOTA TACOMA hard and soft adjustable with subtank
TOYOTA TUNDRA TRUCK,2.5 SHOX factory 4×4 racing shocks 2.5 inches lift for TOYOTA TUNDRA TRUCK with remote reservoir